
The Preschool Room is for children ages 36 months old through 48 months old. Children entering the Preschool Room must be fully toilet trained. CFS preschool program follows a play-based philosophy. Through play, children will develop many important skills to help guide them through their adult lives.

Play has many different components. Each one helps children develop different skills. Motor or physical play promotes development in gross and fine muscle strength and coordination. Social play helps children progresses through different social stages and help children understand social rules such as, sharing, cooperation, and turn taking. Constructive play helps children learn the basic knowledge of building, crafting, manipulating and experimenting with materials. Pretend or fantasy play helps children develop flexible thinking where they can stretch their imagination and create a whole new world with endless possibilities. Games with rules helps children develop an understanding of rules and social contracts, which are important elements that help children comprehend the social rules of life.

At CFS, the teachers provide many opportunities for children to engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor play. CFS teachers also understand that children at this age learn by doing, and doing requires hands-on activities. By providing preschoolers with different interest centers, children will be able to interact and participate in what they choose to work on.

What you will observe when you visit The Preschool Room:

  • Age appropriate furniture
  • A variety of age appropriate materials such as, puzzles, games, and toys
  • Different interest centers such as science/math, language, manipulative table, etc…
  • Children engaging in free play and structured play both indoor and outdoor
  • Children interacting with each other
  • Teachers interacting with children
  • Teachers leading fun and exciting activities
  • Display of art work and pictures on the wall at children’s level